Revenge can be passed on to someone through culture, biblically it implies that revenge is the Lords and not ours. Revenge can stem from a few things but anger is usually what drives it, insecurities and simply being mistreated in any form is what could cause revenge. It takes a whole different level of self security to not seek revenge on someone who has clearly done evil to you, but in the end it is worth not raising your fury towards someone. A way to end war is with peace but in the book of Ecclesiastes it says "there is a time for everything" but most people are clueless about this concept.
Some ways of coping with angers or feeling of revenge is meditating, focusing on breathing and on getting calmer on how you act on things impusively and instead think about what you are going to do.
Recognizing the feeling of anger or the desire for revenge would be the first part. Then find ways to calm your emotions down, like deep breathing. Instead of acting on anger, talk about why you feel this way to someone you trust.
The Bible says to not retaliate against our brothers and sisters in any way but Instead love them. However, this is easier said than done because not a lot of people follow this command. We fall too much into our emotions which in the end take over.
Revenge is normally warranted in every culture to some degree but not in every religion. For example, in american culture, revenge is not normally the respectable way to handle someone doing you wrong but in severe cases, we have things like the death penalty that are meant to give those that have been hurt a sense of justice. In this kind of culture we normally reward people for being the bigger person but it is absolutely subjective. In religion, revenge is spelled out more clearly. Some encourage those to have the "eye for an eye" approach others teach that revenge is sinful and against their calling to love God and His creation.
The real determining factor is who you believe serves justice. If you believe that it is up to the individual to serve justice and set the score, you will likely indulge in revenge when hurt. If you believe that justice is served by a higher power than you reframe from revenge all together.
A consequence of seeking revenge can be simply damaging an individuals social relationships .It can also lead to a negative self-image which is basically the actions caused by feelings of anger .
It can cause the person to develop a negative perspective on life. It can also damage your relationships. Looking for revenge can also make you develop strong feelings of anger towards yourself and others.
Revenge can be passed on to someone through culture, biblically it implies that revenge is the Lords and not ours. Revenge can stem from a few things but anger is usually what drives it, insecurities and simply being mistreated in any form is what could cause revenge. It takes a whole different level of self security to not seek revenge on someone who has clearly done evil to you, but in the end it is worth not raising your fury towards someone. A way to end war is with peace but in the book of Ecclesiastes it says "there is a time for everything" but most people are clueless about this concept.
Some ways of coping with angers or feeling of revenge is meditating, focusing on breathing and on getting calmer on how you act on things impusively and instead think about what you are going to do.
What are some strategies for coping with feelings of anger and the desire for revenge in a healthy way?
How do cultural or religious beliefs influence attitudes toward revenge?
What are the long-term consequences of seeking revenge?