Considering your schema is based entirely on your past experiences and become the filter through which you interpret the world, it is impossible to forget the past. The only way we can be free of our past, aside through God, is to process, analyze, reflect, and work through your past experiences.
In my opinion, I don't think people should be taught to forget the past. What happens in the past makes you who you are today and can make you stronger as a person. Unless you choose to allow it to bring you down. You definitely shouldn't live in the past, but I don't think you should forget it. Forgetting the past can make it difficult to move forward with your life if you don't work through it.
Being stuck in the past something many people struggle with. Though, the best advice would be to follow what the bible says, "forgive and forget" from the heart.
Difficult memories can impact everyday lives even though it was in the past. It could inflict trauma or change the way people view different events, people, objects etc. This would also be classified as a change in this person's schema. One way someone can start to move past these memories is to recognize that these memories effect their life. They can begin to move forward by being in communication with another individual like a therapist. Here they can find ways to overcome these memories; they can acknowledge that they took place but that they do not have control over them. They can also try to focus on if there are any positive things that is happening in their life at the moment or that will take place in the future.
How to forget the past is not easy for a lot of people but first you have to accept what you have been through. Once we accept, it causes us to not be bitter about what occurred over time. Also, having something to look forward to and having a mindset that new opportunities will arrive in the near future.
Not in much detail as I desire to, but from my understanding of what I learned there is a term called "schema". Schema is what our brain first processes when we are younger and absorbs from the first time someone speaks to us. Usually what we tend to grasp and be brought into remembrance about (usually negative statements or words).
Considering your schema is based entirely on your past experiences and become the filter through which you interpret the world, it is impossible to forget the past. The only way we can be free of our past, aside through God, is to process, analyze, reflect, and work through your past experiences.
In my opinion, I don't think people should be taught to forget the past. What happens in the past makes you who you are today and can make you stronger as a person. Unless you choose to allow it to bring you down. You definitely shouldn't live in the past, but I don't think you should forget it. Forgetting the past can make it difficult to move forward with your life if you don't work through it.
Being stuck in the past something many people struggle with. Though, the best advice would be to follow what the bible says, "forgive and forget" from the heart.
Difficult memories can impact everyday lives even though it was in the past. It could inflict trauma or change the way people view different events, people, objects etc. This would also be classified as a change in this person's schema. One way someone can start to move past these memories is to recognize that these memories effect their life. They can begin to move forward by being in communication with another individual like a therapist. Here they can find ways to overcome these memories; they can acknowledge that they took place but that they do not have control over them. They can also try to focus on if there are any positive things that is happening in their life at the moment or that will take place in the future.
How to forget the past is not easy for a lot of people but first you have to accept what you have been through. Once we accept, it causes us to not be bitter about what occurred over time. Also, having something to look forward to and having a mindset that new opportunities will arrive in the near future.