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KINGS offers individualized, custom-built programmes, training or intervention for companies who see the need within their organisation. 


Whether you are a bank who has employees who have been traumatized by armed robbery, Fire fighters who need assistance in overcoming flash backs of dangerous encounters, ambulance staff who have seen the unthinkable, those in the corporate world who are burnt out and stressed and unable to concentrate, or creative companies and churches who want to see their staff reach their full leadership potential - these are ALL domains in which KINGS excels. 


Dr. Lyndsey is a trained expert in human psychology. She has almost 20 years experience in how the human mind works and how to maximise it and repair it, where damaged.

Shakespeare once penned the expression, "there is nothing in itself good or bad, but our thinking, which makes it so." This insight plays out scientifically and not just philosophically.


Dr. Lyndsey has worked in diverse cultures, with diverse people groups, as well as at national specialist centers. Dr. Lyndsey taught and trained at highly prestigious institutions and is hired as psychological expert. She is able to meet with your staff and devise a personalized programme to best accomodate your organizational needs.


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