Before it became the domain of the 'Psychologist', 'Soul Care' was the exclusive remit of the church. We believe there is room for improved psychological literacy in the church, enhancing the pastorate, elders, volunteers and staff awareness and effectiveness in tackling psychological problems. Most psychological approaches dismiss belief in God or the spiritual component of a person's life and wellbeing. Or simply acknowledge it as an 'add on' instead of recognizing it as esssential and sometimes sufficient.
At KINGS we firmly believe that God holds the solution to all our human problems. We believe that Jesus is the ultimate healer and that the Holy Spirit is our perfect comforter. We believe we were intimately and intricately created by the God of the bible and that psychological know-how, married to sound biblical understanding is a potent combination in our fight for mental health and well being.
There is also a need for continued growth and expansion in leadership within the church. The church should not be behind when it comes to leadership development. We should be at the forefront. Therefore K I N G S offers a series of resources to churches to help identify and equip the leaders in house.
Most churches adopt secular leadership practices K I N G S offers a blended leadership approach - paying attention to distinguishing features of spiritual leadership as identified in the scriptures, whilst utilizing the practical leadership skill sets which apply universally.
We are passionate about sharing the KINGS' model of Kingdom Psychology and Leadership with you. We are excited about the possibilities of training ministers to operate more competently and confidently inside and outside of the traditional church setting, equipping others with the pervading psychological, leadership and behavioural tools they need to confront the problems they see every day. 'Equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry'.